Monday, September 17, 2012

My rewards in the bank! The Buffalo Bank that is...

My rewards in the bank! The Buffalo Bank that is...

I have some new woes being a working girl.  Yes, woes of a WORKING GIRL! The woe-iest woe has been the neglect of my blog.  After a lot of deliberation and courage I took a completely different direction in my career.  I left a large organization to work a multi-tiered role at a family owned and operated farm and vineyard.  This change, while exciting, has been exhausting! As I’m getting the hang of my new schedule, I’m going to do my best to continue my hobby-passions in vintage and such.

Usually in celebration of a promotion I’ve been presented with a gift of encouragement and recognition of my hard work.  For my first management role, a proper watch.  For my first national role, an amazing designer trench coat (a very generous reward indeed!). And while I had been eyeing a TUMI brand luggage piece for the next rung on that ladder my upward path changed. Not that my path will be any less rewarding, but the rewards are very different than those offered by the large organization. Rather than a ladder it’s more of a wild path I’ll be traveling with a lot of turns and half of it still untraveled.

So how do you, responsibly, reward this change? I already “invested” in the practical, durable shoes needed for my uniform of jeans and t-shirt every day. So what to get a tour coordinator/cow train driver/wine sales/wedding coordinator/CSA helper…

Rather than something needed for the job, my loving finance appealed to my heart- with vintage. Remember my post on still banks? Remember that Buffalo bank in the window in Leesburg? You know, the one that inspired the love for those little banks? That was way too expensive to buy? Well…it’s mine, it’s mine, it’s mine!!!!

After having it in the window for a couple years the price became much more realistic. So with me turning away from “corporate life” and taking the risk to follow something I love, this gift was the perfect congratulations.

I also must make a tiny correction.  It’s ours, not just mine.  Another flashback, remember that post on not being a ball hog and sharing?  Turns out, with Evan’s Oma being deeply ingrained in our collection (literally, ½ of the collection of 4) he’s really into these things too. After presenting me with the gift he began talking about how we need a shelf to display our collection.  I’m sharing this hobby too, which means I’ll also have a partner to hunt with.

I already have a great idea for a display shelf made of packing crates. Stay posted for that project….


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