Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Give, or enjoy receiving, the gift of vintage!

 I’d like to re-introduce my passion with some exciting gifts from Christmas.

Holiday gift giving can be exhausting. I truly believe that we all start with the best of intentions, to find personal gifts that will put smiles on the faces of those that we love, but the crowds, packed schedules, and hard-to-stick-to-budgets can leave us reaching for gift cards and closet re-gifts. Sometimes it takes receiving a great gift to remember why the effort’s worth it.
Great vintage gift 1 of 2:

One item that has been on my vintage wish list FOREVER is an old, rusty fan in working condition.  Unlike my still banks that are more difficult to come across (even more difficult to find one at a reasonable cost), I see these fans everywhere. More so, I see them all at the same price range.  It is this frequency that has prevented me from committing.  Why buy one now that maybe I’ll see somewhere next week, or saw last week, for twenty bucks less? Well, that potential to save $20 on the fan has gone on for at least three years now!
My home probably would never have been graced with one of these industrial masterpieces had it not been for receiving it as a gift. Not only did I receive the perfectly rusted, perfectly sized, perfectly operating fan, but a fan with a little American history.  Thank you Evan!!!!

The Emerson fan company has been making fan in the United States for 113 years.  Their organization even manufactured the first electric motor to run on alternating currents!  I honestly, don’t really know what that means but I do know that the little fan I now own by Emerson is the quietest fan I’ve ever heard; even compared to modern models. I'm still a little nervous to use it, but love it as a beautiful piece of American history in our living room.
This was definitely a gift that made me squeal with delight upon receipt. Receiving a thoughtful gift makes us feel loved.  It shows that the gifter listens to you and engages in your interests.  That they want to do something that makes us smile.  Receiving a gift like this makes us want to return that feeling to those in our lives.  It makes all of the craziness in holiday shopping worthwhile.  It’s not really about the value of what we give or receive but showing that we appreciate what makes those around us special. So next time you’re about to reach for a famous-coffee-company-gift-card-, rethink if a latte is really what would let that person know you listen to them.

A little blurb on my model, The Emerson Junior 2660: “This incarnation of the Emerson Junior was a styling update to the fans of the Seabreeze line from the 30s. It used the cloverleaf base and the stamped steel two bearing motor. It added new rounded almost overlapping blades, a bullet back, and a deco styled V cage. These fans came in 10" and 12" sizes. They were the first Juniors to have type numbers, 2660 and 2650. They also were the first Juniors to come in an assortment of metallic colors including bronze, and green.” http://www.fancollectors.org/info/junior_history/junior.htm